Thursday, March 14, 2013


WE ARE APPROVED!!!  YEA!  We got the call Tuesday night.  Our next step is to fly to Haiti and go before the court to adopt.  Then we must leave the kids at the orphange (hardest part) and return to the states until all paperwork is completed there and in the US.  Then we can BRING THEM HOME!!!!!!!  We are thrilled.  We have been waiting for this call since May and it has been a hard wait.  At first we were sure it would be any day, then we started getting discouraged.  I really felt strongly the last few weeks that it was right here and I started checking my phone often during the day.  Our adoption worker just got back from Haiti and she took our kids the photo albums we had made for each of them and sat down with them and read what we had written to them.  She knows Haitian Creole.  She told us that they would ask "But when will they come?"  Well kids, we are coming!