Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Blankets, Quilts, and More Blankets

Thanks to many wonderful women who are family and friends, we are well on our way to meeting our goal of 35 blankets and quilts for the Haitian Orphanage.  We are getting blankets from all over the country!  It is terrific to have so many great people in our lives.  I am uploading some pictures from our Relief Society Activity.  We had a very nice time that night.

We are stiiiiillllll waiting for the approval from the Haitian Government for our adoptions.  It is frustrating to wait.  Pray for us.

On a good note, however, we were waiting for a second approval from our Government for our background checks and were told that it would be several more weeks because of a technicality; but Lawaun called the government agency and convinced a manager there to speed it up and it came back today!  We have to be thankful for all these blessings we are getting and not get too anxious about the parts that are taking longer.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Quilts and Blankets

Jocelyn and I have finished three blankets for our kids.  They turned our very nice.  Jocelyn made the blanket for Ednaisson almost completely by herself.  Several friends and relatives are helping and we truly appreciated that.  We got an email from our worker Diana who said the Haitian government has stopped taking new applications for adoptions right now.  I am so glad we have ours already in!   We keep waiting to hear about the exemption but no news yet.  I have been working on new scrapbooks for the kids.  I am putting in pictures from our family and our extended family, and ones of the kids themselves.  I try to imagine what the kids will think as they look at each page.  I wonder how much they understand about what is happening and what will happen.  I've never met them, and yet I miss them!